MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
The fish and seafood of all kinds are a vital source of food all over the world. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) standards provides assurance on sustainable and controlled. The fish stocks are under pressure: overfishing not only damages marine ecology but also the fish industry itself. Therefore, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) an international independent non-profit organization has developed standards for sustainable fishing. TUV UK LImited can offer this certification as TÜV NORD CERT an accredited certification body for MSC seal.
The MSC certification provides transparency to full supply chain. Following certification the certified organization is allowed the use of MSC seal of approval on company products. TUV UK Limited can offer the product chain certification according to MSC "Chain of Custody" for all companies in the supply chain (no certification offer for on-site fisheries).
Domestic and international organizations from almost all branches of the fish sector can apply for certification:
- Import
- Processing
- Suppliers
- Wholesalers and retailers
- Canteens and restaurants
- Fishery associations

Benefits of MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
- Sustainable and controlled wild caught fish
- Ocean protection and reduction of harmful envrionmental impacts
- Protection of fish stocks
- Effective management for fisheries by way of controlling sustainable exploitation
- Provides evidence of Legal fishing and its competitive advantages
- Regulatory compliance and International validity
- Worldwide recognised certification as trustworthy supplier
- Protection of reputation, brand and image
- Listed in MSC Registers
- Transparent supply chain, buiding trust with customers and access to new customer groups
FAQ'S for MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
What is MSC Chain of Custody (CoC)
MSC Chain of Custody is the processing supply chain from fish and seafood to the end product. TUV UK Limited can offer the product chain certification according to MSC "Chain of Custody" for all companies in the supply chain (no certification offer for on-site fisheries).
How to prepare for MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
An optional pre-audit will help uncovers possible gaps in advance. A non-conformance report issued to effectively determine optimization needed in company systems. The staff should also be trained on the MSC principles and an MSC representative should be appointed.All the information on the standard requirements obtained directly from the MSC website
For certification audit, MSC auditors visit the companyto be audited and check the documentation on traceability from incoming raw materials to outgoing finished products. Through interviews with employees, compliance with the requirements is checked. After successful completion of audit a certification decision is made, TÜV NORD CERT issues the MSC certificate, with three years validity. following this there are regular monitoring/ surveillance audits to ensure compliance.
Changes applicable to MSC from May 2023
As of May 2023, the following two changes are applicable;
A) ASC CoC Module version 1.0, which is valid from 30.05.2023.
B) MSC Labout Eligibility Requirement version 1.0, which is valid from 01.05.2023.
Further information on both requirements can be found on these links:
Who can apply for this MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
Domestic and international organizations from almost all branches of the fish sector can apply for certification:
- Import
- Processing
- Suppliers
- Wholesalers and retailers
- Canteens and restaurants
- Fishery associations
After successful certification, company may label your products with the MSC logo. As a certified company, company can also register with MSCI (Marine Stewardship Council International) to use the MSC logo. (To do this, company will need a valid logo use agreement with the MSC.
How to reach MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification

TÜV UK LTD Certification: The benefit to you
TÜV UK LTD is recognised all over the world as a well-established and reliable partner for inspection and certification services. Our experts and auditors have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in the food sector, and undertake annual training in order to remain ahead of the field. We can guarantee independence, neutrality and continuity in all our services to you, and the benefits are clear. Our experts support the development of your products and provide you with objective feedback.
As our auditors are qualified in several fields, we can also offer efficient and cost-effective combined audits (e.g. with other management systems / food safety systems).
We are looking forward to your enquiry
Suites 27 - 29, Fifth Floor, Dingwall Road
Croydon, CR0 2LX
Tel.: +44 20 8680-7711